Wednesday, September 19, 2012

MSA Support for Wits SRC Israel Boycott

Statement in support of the University of the Witwatersrand
Student Representative Council’s decision to Boycott Apartheid Israel

The Union of Muslim Students' Associations, who has released a number of statements against those who perpetuate injustices, commends the University of the Witwatersrand Student Representative Council on taking a principled stance against the oppressive state of Israel. We recognise the decision as a victory in the worldwide Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

The resolution outlines a cultural and academic boycott against Israeli institutions. The resolution states that Wits University “will not participate in any form of cultural or academic collaboration or joint projects with Israeli institutions and will not provide support to Israeli cultural or academic institutions”.
The landmark resolution also calls for an inquiry into any relationships that Wits University might have with Israeli institutions. The SRC will also actively search for any such relationships and lobby to ensure that these relationships are brought to an end.

The Student body will also promote and support Israeli Apartheid Week which is held in more than 90 cities across the world. The Israeli Apartheid Week campaign is supported by the Muslim Students’ Association.
MSA Union calls upon all student bodies in our institutions of higher learning that support justice and equality to stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Let us make it known that we will not allow relations to normalise with a state as oppressive as Israel. Furthermore, we call upon student representative councils nationwide to take similar BDS stances and ensure that a cultural and academic boycott is in place.
The Apartheid state has proven time and again that it has no regard for International Law, human rights or dignity towards Palestinian civilians. We will not associate ourselves with any organisation that supports the Apartheid state of Israel and will continue to maintain this stance until such time that the Palestinians have dignity, freedom and the right to national aspirations.
Statement issued by: MSA Union

Contact information:

Yusuf Talia -         - 071 677 2391
Aslam Bulbulia -         -  071 020 0100


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