Monday, March 10, 2014


The Muslim Students’ Association of South Africa (MSA) - in its commitment to justice, freedom and equality – reaffirms it unqualified and unapologetic support and solidarity for the10th international Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) campaign. IAW is a global series of events and campaigns that takes place in cities, campuses and communities across the world and aims to raise awareness of Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinian people and serves to promote Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel. IAW will take place from the 10th – 16th March in South Africa.

In addition, the 10th Annual IAW, marks the one year anniversary of the Wits SRC’s pro-Palestinian protest against the Israeli Jazz Pianist performing at Wits where subsequently the protesting students were subjected to disciplinary action by the University .The students’ actions were viewed to be both moral and just as the performance of the pianist at Wits was in clear violation of Wits SRC’s resolution on the cultural boycott against Apartheid Israel.

As the Muslim Students’ Association we have endeavoured this year to intensify our actions for Israeli Apartheid Week and the Palestinian Struggle.  In this light, we are proud to announce that there will be 16 Universities across the country involved in IAW. MSAs’ across the country have taken the responsibility to advocate for justice in Palestine, here are some of the statements from the various universities:

MSA: University of the Witwatersrand

 “As South Africans we have the obligation to renounce Apartheid wherever it is prevalent. MSA Wits recognises that Israel is an occupying state which imposes an Apartheid regime on the people of Palestine. Therefore, it is our duty to stand up for justice for the people of Palestine. We will boycott, we will divest and we will impose sanctions on the illegal state of Israel.”

MSA: Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

"MSA NMMU stands point and fully supports International Israeli Apartheid Week that aims to raise awareness about Israel's apartheid policies towards Palestinians. We take it upon ourselves to be a part of the Palestinian liberation struggle and call upon all other supportive organizations to do the same."

MSA: North West University

“This year will be the first year that IAW will be brought to our campus. We are starting off on a relatively small scale but our main aim is to create awareness around campus and hopefully increase its magnitude in the upcoming years.”

MSA: North West University Vaal Triangle

“MSA NWU Vaal Triangle Campus is in support of IAW...NWU MSA is hosting IAW to spread awareness that we have walked a path long and difficult to get where we are and that apartheid and discrimination will never ever be accepted.”

MSA: University of Johannesburg

"The Muslim Students Association at the University of Johannesburg is proud to say that we are in full support of IAW 2014 and all previous and currently existing efforts that support and bring awareness to the atrocities done to the people of Palestine. The Zionist rule of Israel has led many wronged, wounded and murdered. This effort to bring about justice is fully supported by the PYA structures (Progressive Youth Alliance) on campuses around the country."

MSA: University of Cape Town

"We, the Muslim Students' Association of the University of Cape Town, hereby pledge our full support to IAW. We are against the Zionist state of Israel and the oppression against our fellow brothers and sisters of Palestine. We will do everything in ability to display our support and raise awareness to our peers at UCT. We, as human beings, cannot ignore the situation and will not tolerate anything less than total liberation for the people of Palestine..."

MSA: MSA UKZN Medical School

“As the Muslim Students' Association of the University of KwaZulu Natal, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, we recognise the injustice that is being inflicted upon our brothers and sisters in Palestine. In the upcoming Israeli Apartheid week, we have full intention to participate wholeheartedly in activities to show our sturdy support against the inhumane conditions that Palestinians are being subjected to. The UKZN Medical School MSA is in full support of the Israeli Apartheid week and anti-Zionism, and we pledge to open as many people’s eyes to the truth, to boycott Israel and emancipate Palestine”

MSA has joined numerous other organisations, including: African National Congress, the South African Student Congress, South African Union of Students, Jamiat-Ul-Ulema, Congress of South African Trade Unions, Muslim Judicial Council, ANC Youth League and South African Council of Churches in its support of IAW.

In the spirit of IAW, MSA Union of South Africa reaffirms its support to the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel. We believe that the global BDS Movement is making tremendous gains in the struggle to isolate Israel due to its apartheid policies of systematic oppression and repression of Palestinians

In this tone, we call upon and demand upon all peace loving South Africans and the global peace loving activist to assist us in efforts and activism to respond to the 1) call of Palestinians 2) to isolate Israel until the Apartheid State of Israel is deconstructed3) ensure that Israel complies with International Law and finally responds to the call of the Palestinians.

The call, which was issued in Ramallah (2005), makes three demands, in which the progressive forces of South African for Palestine affirms and enforces;
1.    Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;
2.    Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
3.    Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.

MSA understands the injustice of the past and the lessons learnt from the anti-apartheid struggle and we realise the value of international solidarity.  In the international solidarity movement, our attitude and actions towards the Palestinian struggle for liberation plays an important role in determining the success that we will have in assisting to change the realities of Palestine and other countries that are plagued by the wretches of colonialism, occupation and apartheid.

No longer can we remain indifferent to the glaring reality of the unjust and racialist Apartheid Israel and its policies on innocent Palestinians!

For the full IAW South Africa schedule, see the link here:

Keep up to date with activities and join the social media revolution for #IsraeliApartheidWeek:
Follow on Twitter: @MSA_Union
Facebook: MSA UNION

Statement issued by Yusuf Talia, President and Sumayya Omar, Political Officer, of the MSA Union of South Africa
Yusuf Talia : 071-677-2391
Sumayya Omar:  071-456-5104

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Union's Israeli Apartheid Week 2014 - #IAW2014

IAW - Israeli Apartheid Week 2014

The IAW 2014 campaign is an international campaign, administered and brought to various countries by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement. This is a special year for the IAW campaign as it marks the 10th successive year and it has truly been a progressive journey through the last 10 years. MSA Union is an active alliance of BDS and coordinates, supports and actively hosts programs across South Africa. This year there are 15 MSA Chapters, Spread nationally at their various respective campuses and cities that will be actively participating in the IAW 2014 campaign, hosting events, screenings, speakers and much more , and in collaboration with various co-hosts such as PSA , PSF, PSC and PYA Structures among others, IAW 2014 is running from the 10th March - 16 March 2014. For MSA Union IAW 2014 content such as the IAW Launch Videos, Posters and the official IAW 2014 Manual which are all available for download at the current interim site


Below is an article which was published in the WITS Newspaper authored by Nabeel Seedat, Heading the politics portfolio for MSA Wits, term of 2014:

Why it matters

When bulldozers arrived to demolish her home, in the Israeli controlled West Bank, 14-year-old Palestinian girl, Salha Hamadin begged her imaginary friend to take her somewhere safe and far away. This was the basis of a fairytale which would capture the world’s imagination and Salha would win the “Hans Christian Andersen – Fairytale Bay” prize for it.
The Israeli-Palestinian issue is one that should matter. Whether you have any political opinions or not. Whether you feel that the people of Palestine suffer under an oppressive Apartheid or not.  Whether you just want good in the world – the Israeli-Palestinian issue should matter to you.
We don’t need to take sides – or reduce it to a place filled with problems and crises – in order for it to matter.
The Israeli- Palestinian issue should matter to ALL Witsies because real people are suffering. People with their dignity, their culture, their frailties, their smiles, their dreams and their laughs. People just like you and I.
No matter what your opinion is, let’s think about it, care just a little and hopefully you’ll realise that Palestine matters, because Salha Hamadin matters.
From the 10th-16th of March, the PSC supported by the MSA are hosting Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) on the Library Lawns. Pass by and show that you care and that it matters to you.