Sunday, March 9, 2014

Union's Israeli Apartheid Week 2014 - #IAW2014

IAW - Israeli Apartheid Week 2014

The IAW 2014 campaign is an international campaign, administered and brought to various countries by the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) Movement. This is a special year for the IAW campaign as it marks the 10th successive year and it has truly been a progressive journey through the last 10 years. MSA Union is an active alliance of BDS and coordinates, supports and actively hosts programs across South Africa. This year there are 15 MSA Chapters, Spread nationally at their various respective campuses and cities that will be actively participating in the IAW 2014 campaign, hosting events, screenings, speakers and much more , and in collaboration with various co-hosts such as PSA , PSF, PSC and PYA Structures among others, IAW 2014 is running from the 10th March - 16 March 2014. For MSA Union IAW 2014 content such as the IAW Launch Videos, Posters and the official IAW 2014 Manual which are all available for download at the current interim site


Below is an article which was published in the WITS Newspaper authored by Nabeel Seedat, Heading the politics portfolio for MSA Wits, term of 2014:

Why it matters

When bulldozers arrived to demolish her home, in the Israeli controlled West Bank, 14-year-old Palestinian girl, Salha Hamadin begged her imaginary friend to take her somewhere safe and far away. This was the basis of a fairytale which would capture the world’s imagination and Salha would win the “Hans Christian Andersen – Fairytale Bay” prize for it.
The Israeli-Palestinian issue is one that should matter. Whether you have any political opinions or not. Whether you feel that the people of Palestine suffer under an oppressive Apartheid or not.  Whether you just want good in the world – the Israeli-Palestinian issue should matter to you.
We don’t need to take sides – or reduce it to a place filled with problems and crises – in order for it to matter.
The Israeli- Palestinian issue should matter to ALL Witsies because real people are suffering. People with their dignity, their culture, their frailties, their smiles, their dreams and their laughs. People just like you and I.
No matter what your opinion is, let’s think about it, care just a little and hopefully you’ll realise that Palestine matters, because Salha Hamadin matters.
From the 10th-16th of March, the PSC supported by the MSA are hosting Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) on the Library Lawns. Pass by and show that you care and that it matters to you.

1 comment:

  1. south africa had support during their times of struggle, i think its now time for south africa to take a stand and help the palestinian people. Freedom for all...
