Thursday, January 30, 2014

MSA Union supports World Hijab Day on 1st February 2014

MSA Union supports World Hijab Day on 1st February 2014
World Hijab Day kicked off last year on the 1st February 2013, an initiative started by Sister Nazma Khan. She is a born Bangladeshi, who moved to the USA at a young age. Her Hijab was her anchor and pride, but to those who did not understand and accept it, it was the complete opposite. Many young girls and ladies around the world go through this struggle of intolerance to the Hijab when in fact wearing the Hijab is a choice, a right and a beautiful blessing.
The meaning of the Hijab is a veil of modesty to cover ones physical self which is a practice done by Muslim women according to the guidelines of Islam.  It is the headscarf or veil worn by the Muslim women. It can also be used to describe the veiling or seclusion of women in some Islamic societies, customarily practiced in order to maintain standards of modesty.
This year, we stand together in support of the World Hijab Day movement. We invite all our Muslim and non-Muslim friends, sisters, colleagues and mothers to spend a day in wearing the Hijab as to experience this wonderful gift.  This grants us an opportunity to learn tolerance towards each other, to gain an understanding of the practice and spread the word of peace. Join our sisters in over 100 countries in spreading the word and engaging in the better understanding of Hijab.
With recent happenings in the world, like talk of banning of the Hijab in some countries, it is important that we display that Hijab remains the choice of the individual- a choice that should not be taken away from any individual. It should not be a burden or obstacle. We should not feel judged for wanting to wear this garment so let us break the glass ceiling in a positive way and invite others to our beautiful way of Hijab.
We would like to encourage you to be part of this movement in the following ways:
  1. Invite and encourage a sister (Muslim or non- Muslim to wear the Hijab on this day but also explain to them the beauty of the Hijab when doing so
  2. Visit the World Hijab Day facebook page and post a little story about your experience through Hijab so that others may be inspired
  3. If MSAs are able to hand out a few scarves to ladies in their surroundings as gifts when inviting them to join World Hijab Day this would be awesome!
  4. Join us on twitter on Fri, 31st Jan 2014 at 8 pm as we spread the word and invite all to join World Hijab Day
  5. Support this movement directly or indirectly according to your means
Please check out this link for more information on how this all started and be inspired!
YouTube video by Nazma Khan
World Hijab Day website:
Yours in Islam
Shukran Jazeelan
Nasreen Hamdulay
Head of Community and Social Outreach
MSA Union of South Africa

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