Wednesday, June 17, 2015


MSA Union is embarking on an exciting new Quran Campaign this Ramadaan! We want hearts reconnecting with the Quran, done through personal reflections and life lessons from this most beautiful Book. And when better than in the Holy Month in which it was revealed!

Our plan is to give you, the student, the platform to select some ayaat/verses from Quran that have really touched your life, and share this with others in the hope that it'll achieve the same for them. This will be done by making a short video clip of your experience and sharing it on social media...

Additionally, we plan to have local scholars share some insights of selected ayaat which have impacted them personally as well and also capture these insights in a short video clip, Insha Allah.

Each day of Ramadaan we'll be looking at a verse from a different juz/chapter (e.g. Day 1- Chapter 1, Day 2- Chapter 2, etc.).

Template for the 3-5 minute video clip:
1. Name
2. City/ University
3. Surah + verse selected and brief outline
4. Personal value and impact it's had on you
5. How you've implemented it in your life

Be part of #ADateWithQuran Campaign and share the love for the miracle that is the Quran. 

Reflect. Inspire. Motivate.

For more information, contact us on or  073 547 2773


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