Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Inaugural MSA National Quran Conference kicks off this week

The MSA seeks to bring the Quran back to the centre of our lives

Johannesburg, 25 April 2015 – After months of hard work by the project team of MSA Union and the generous sponsorships from AWQAF SA, amongst others, the National Quran Conference is set to take place this coming week, inshaa’Allah (God willing). Starting on the evening of Thursday 30 April 2015 and continuing to Sunday 3 May 2015 at Wits University in Johannesburg, the conference promises to be an inspirational and educational event not to be missed.

About the Conference

The idea of our late president and visionary leader of MSA Union, Marhoom Yusuf Talia, the MSA Union National Quran Conference aims to create a forum in which students and the general public can come together to explore the Quran and its relevance to every aspect of our everyday lives.

The Quran will be explored in various dimensions with topics including the environment, politics, economics and finance, science, spirituality, youth, intellectual development, civic engagement, and aqeedah as well as studying the Sciences of the Quran (ulumul quraan). Attendees will also be gifted with a range of Quranic recitals in various revealed modes of Qirat.

The lineup of scholarly guests for the event includes: Sheikh Mufti Kamaluddin Ahmed (Student of Sheikh Zulfikaar Naqshabandi), Moulana Taha Karaan (SA), Sheikh Riyaad Walls (SA), Moulana.Dr. Ashraf Dockrat (SA), Zakariyya Harnekar (Teacher at Darun Na’eem) and Abbas Darab (Student of Sheikh Hamza Yusuf).

Tickets are R400 with accommodation and R200 without. Registration can be done online via

About MSA Union

The Muslim Students’ Association was established in 1973 and has grown to be one of the largest student representative bodies in South Africa. The national body, MSA Union, has been established to represent the local campus chapters at a national and international level, and has a constituency across 23 campuses in 8 cities across South Africa. Operating nationally, and run by students, the organisation brings together chapter MSAs who work together to drive Muslim youth activity and involvement, and run dynamic projects in all spheres of the community.

 MSA Union’s vision is to Advance ‘Project Islam’ by representing, networking and developing Muslim youth in South Africa, with our primary focus being to develop students through facilitating experiences that increase Ilm (Knowledge) that leads to Tazkiya (self-improvement and purification) in order to attain Taqwa (God Consciousness).


082 096 1262 or 071 891 8722


@MSA Union


1 comment:

  1. I use to know the Quran in Arabic when I was 15 now I am 25 years old. My mom and dad split up around that time. At this time, I have forgotten how to recite Quran. Can anybody help me and tell the name of a website that Quran Live through internet?
