Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Al Kauthar: Twins of Faith - Family Matters Conference

Where and When?

Venue: NMJ Islamic Centre
Date: 1st March 2015
Time: 09h00-18h30
Venue: Oaklands High School
Date: 28 February 2015
Time: 09h00-18h30

About the conference:
Human relationships are an intricate & complex web of many emotions. Like a strong web, our relationships need to be resilient and sturdy to be able to bounce back into shape in spite of pressures surrounding us. Join us for an inspiring weekend to invigorate our relationships and energize our families at a first ever Family Conference that has something in store for everyone.

Speakers at the conference include Sh Shady Suleiman (Australia), Sh Moutasem Al-Hameedy (Jordan), Ml Abdul Khaliq Allie, Sh Bilal Ismail, Sh Muhammad West, Sh Nasir Barnes, and Sister Kauthar Allie Cader.

Proceeds from the conference will go towards the Imam Development Project which offers working Imams a R50 000 top up package anually. See

Contact Al Kauthar or MSA Union for tickets!

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