Monday, September 22, 2014


                                                                                                                 22 September 2014 

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuhi. May the peace and blessings of the Lord be upon you. 

As leaders we have all experienced the challenge of making difficult decisions and this time, the Union NEC is faced with our toughest task to date: having to announce the death of our beloved President. Yusuf Talia has breathed his last earlier today. 

As some of you are aware, our President, Yusuf Talia was admitted to hospital and his condition deteriorated over the past few days. We feel it befitting that he be honoured as a fallen hero of the MSA, granted his selfless contribution to the development of the structure. 

Salatul Janazah will be performed in Johannesburg and will leave from 21 Surbiton Avenue, Auckland Park, pick up at 9pm proceeding to Newclare Kabrastaan. 

Salaatul Ghaaib (Salatul janazah in absentia) is planned for Durban and Cape Town details to follow soon Insha Allah.  

Insha’Allah we will be having regional memorials for brother Yusuf shortly and details will be available soon.  

A great leader and colleague, Yusuf inspired and lead MSA Union with sincerity, justice and excellence and his reach spread far beyond MSA Union, he was an all- round great leader. We pray that we can carry on the legacy that he has set for us.  

Yusuf has been an inspiration to many of us and we ask you to remember him and his family in your duas. 

If you have any other suggestions, please don't hesitate to share. We have learned the value of collective leadership through the example Yusuf lived, and in his death, we believe that through collective leadership we should honour his life. 

Statement issued by MSA Union of South Africa

For more information please contact: 

Khadeeja Manjra – Vice President - 0713512094 -
Raeesa Ghoor- Secretary General – 0781972522-  


  1. Salatul Ghaaib (Salatul Janazah in Abstentia) has been confirmed for Cape Town and Durban:

    Date: Tuesday 23rd September 2014

    Cape Town: Masjidul Quds in Gatesville after Esha Salaah

    Durban: Westville Soofie Masjid after Esha Salaah (Esha is performed at 7:45pm)

    Please join us in honouring our brother and asset to the Ummah

  2. Outpouring of tributes for Yusuf Talia:

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