Saturday, May 17, 2014

Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds on our Doorsteps

We the undersigned, representatives of the Muslim Lawyers Association (MLA), Palestine Solidarity Alliance,  Muslim Students Association, Islamic Medical Association of South Africa  and the Media Review Network, are deeply concerned, shocked and angered at the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the platinum belt of the North West Province. The tentacles of the crisis have reached far beyond Marikana and will have far reaching implications for all South Africans.

A joint decision has been taken by the above organisations to alert the South African public in general and the Muslim population in particular to spare no effort in urgently mobilizing all resources at our disposal to alleviate the plight of the families of the striking miners. The industrial action on the mines has affected the lives of over 500 000 South Africans across the length and breadth of our country.

We acknowledge with gratitude the readiness of the Al Imdaad Foundation and their swift response to facilitate the collection and distribution of the aid.

Our banking details are: First National Bank
Name: Al Imdaad Foundation
No: 62102373206
Br.Code: 220325
Ref: Platinum Feed

Contact person:  Mohammed Saloojee:  073 9847860

Let us not forget the fast approaching winter months and remember the devastating effects  the severe weather conditions will have on the destitute members of our community.

Thank you.
1. Muslim Lawyers Association. (Yousha Tayob- 082 9265408 )
2. Muslim Students Association. (Yusuf Talia- 071 6772391 )
3. Palestine Solidarity Alliance. (Ismail Moola– 0837548900 )
4. The Media Review Network SA. (Zaakir Mayet- 084 786 4003 ) )
5 Islamic Medical Association of South Africa. (Dr. Yakub Essack- )

Media Spokesperson: Ibrahim Vawda. 072 295 0088 011 837 3220 (o)

And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful. (Ch4:V.37)

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