Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Introducing The Humanitarian Project

The Union of Muslim Students' Association (MSA Union of South Africa) takes great pleasure in announcing the National Flagship Project for 2013 - The Humanitarian Project. This initiative follows the Ramadan Humanitarian project & Project IQra. MSA takes the view that we should make a sustainable contribution towards underprivileged communities in South Africa. We should strive as a society to empower people and overcome poverty. We also aim to create mass student involvement on our campuses. 

About The Humanitarian Project:
The Humanitarian Project is MSA’s flagship project. A flagship project aims to fulfil the following objectives:
- Student involvement on a mass scale
- To fulfil a social need
- To encourage social development and eradicate social apathy
- To be and replicable across campuses for years
- To be edgy and address current needs and hypes

The South African National ZAKAH Fund (SANZAF) is an affiliate of this project.

In this year’s flagship project MSAs will conduct a second hand clothing collection across South African campuses and communities which will be given to identified underprivileged people to enable and empower them to start their own businesses. Collection boxes will be placed strategically around the country so as many people as possible may contribute to the project. The recipients of the second hand clothing will be people identified by SANZAF, who will also liaise with the recognised recipients. The recipients will receive training and support by SANZAF, which will ensure continuity and success of the project.
Additionally, a second phase will be incorporated. The sustainability phase consists of a fruit tree planting in areas identified by SANZAF.
After the clothes are collected, it will be washed, sorted and packed by students on campus as part of the core idea of mass student involvement. This phase requires sponsorship in terms of washing materials and utensils that will need to be distributed to campuses countrywide.

This project is envisioned upon an eradication of social apathy, replacing it with social development. It goes far beyond the realms of charity work, in that we aim to empower underprivileged people with the opportunity to start businesses of their own. This project is centered by revolutionary ideals and social progression and is a step in the right direction. Your sponsorship and donations will be much appreciated.

The project will be rolled out by 13 MSA chapters across South Africa in campuses in Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal and the western cape by a team of dedicated individuals. MSA Union has appointed Nasira Bhamjee to head this groundbreaking initiative. 

For more information please visit www.humanitarianproject.msa.org.za , like our Facebook page 'The Humanitarian Project' or follow @MSA_Union on twitter.

Contact details : Nasira Bhamjee (Project Manager) on 0766861687 or email : humanitarianproject@msa.org.za

Statement issued by Yusuf Talia, President of the MSA Union of South Africa
Yusuf Talia: yusuf.talia@gmail.com / 071-677-2391

1 comment:

  1. A green spin to the MSA union of South Africa's: The Humanitarian project
    (Green Deen Campaign South Africa)
    Many people consider being green as just caring for the environment. However, to ensure sustainability one has to look at how the social, economical and environmental aspects influence each other. Small things count, and encouraging people to reuse clothing and become self-sufficient gets a thumbs up from an Islamic, environmental and economical outlook.
