Thursday, March 14, 2013

Creating the Awareness : Israeli Apartheid Week

Monday the 11th of March marked the start of Israeli Apartheid Week.

Increasing media coverage leading up to this week was matched with Enthusiasm from students and Organisations in South Africa.

The Launch of Israeli Apartheid Week took place on Sunday , at the symbolic Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg.

Since the day before yesterday , Campaigns creating awareness about the issues facing Palestinians were led on by student organsations at Universities across South Africa.

Encapsulating a day under Israeli ruling, "Life in palestine" and expressing solidarity with Palestinians ,are some of the initiatives taken up at Wits University.
Last night an incredible stance by students from different  organisations incl. MSA, ANC an COSATU disrupted an event said to have been hosted by the Israeli embassy.
Tomorrow a massive balloon release is expected to take place on the campus lawns.
follow @msa_wits for more info

 "I am a settler" flashmobs became an inspiring stepping stone for creating awareness on the University of Johanessburg campus which included a historic palestine exhibition.

A public discussion "bond between Palestine and Sa " --with Baleka Mbete (ANC) an Susan Abulhawa (Palestinian Author)took place at the Council  Chambers at the University of Jhb  . Massive attendace at this event led to venue being maxed out and not all guests had seating. Live media coverage by channel islam's Azhar Vadi.
FOLLOW  @msa_uj for more info.

 NMMU students , academics and friends spent Monday with Ahmed Khatrada ( Rivonia trialist and anti- apartheid struggle stalwart)   discussing "Israel- an apartheid state?" this event made the local newspapers as it led to questionable debates about Israeli's.
Discussion with Pepi Silinga on Israeli apartheid and youth struggle also were part of the week’s IAW schedule at Port Elizabeth.

Grahamstown - Protesting the Israeli Musician whose visit co-incided conveniently during israeli apartheid week , students at Rhodes University protested against this event. An article about this incident can be found in today's "The Herald" newspaper.
Discussions  thus far included "everyday occupation" and "voices of the dispossed" witih various guest speakers.
UKzn westville campus's IAW events is revolving around the main student quad where a Palestinian stall is set up daily , information on IAW is available and palestinian peripherals are on sale.
On Monday a flashmob re-enacting an aspect of the israeli-palestinian conflict took place , another flashmob took place today with Beatboxer Naz Jam and graffiti artist Ewok Robinson. Westville also had a rally yesterday , speakers incl. Ancyl , cosatu , ukzn Hindu Association an ukzn Golden Key honorary members.


Students at UKZN Howard College , commenced their israeli apartheid awareness campaign by painting the student union wall two days ago.  A skype session between ukzn academics , students and staff with Palestinian students in Gaza was set to take place yesterday during Lunch. Today a flashmob took place on campus.

Medschool - A actual timeline was created with tour guide's running you through the history of Palestine to present day, set up with rope strung across the quad , this timeline aims to educate in a colorful eye-catchy way. A roaming flashmob in various parts of the campus grounds took place yesterday aswell as a "misconception balloon wall". An open mic session is to take place during the course of the week.
follow @MEDMSA for more info

 UKZN PMB undertook "raise your hand for palestine" campaign and are screening 4 movie documentaries throughout the week.  Look out for a balloon release on the campus tomorrow.
follow @msa_pmb for more info

An incident that took place at the Durban beachfront , during the build_up of IAW. Graffiti artist Ewok together with students part of 'flashmob4gaza' were pinpointed as users of 'hate speech' for expressing the words "freedom.justice.equality.peace" "free palestine" and "israeli apartheid week" on a wall at the durban skate park. The painting had been painted over, after hours of being told that the painting was to stay.
This led to numerous articles in the Daily News, the Mercury , SABC  news , CII , Radio Islam and Lotus fm.

For more info about events in KZN , like the fb page MSA KZN


At Stellenbosch University  "Courageous conversations on palestine-israel" took place on Monday  and A protest march was set to take place today.
for more info follown@us_is , @us_tis

A performance by "amandla intifada" protesting israeli apartheid drew in support at University of Pretoria yesterday ,this public rally event had included in the front lines Ronald Lamola (president of anc youth league) and Mbuyiseni Ndlozi (bds south africa)
Today Jessie Duarte headed a disccussion on ANC support for palestine .
"Mock israeli checkpoints and apartheid wall" are still to be initiated as part of the israel apartheid week awareness campaign at University of Pretoria.
For more info follow @psf_tuks


Activities in Cape Town commenced with a rocky start , Israeli students trained to spread propaganda an infiltrate incorrect information were flown down to UCT , where a tent was sent up for these zionists and free beverages were handed out to anyone who chose to associate themselves with them, making it difficult for awareness to be spread about israeli apartheid week.

This did not deter students , a candlelight vigil and Qiyamul Layl (late night prayer) took place last night.Permission was not granted to have a march/peaceful walk on the grounds of the University today. Activists at UCT are continuing with IAW events and An "eviction notice initiative” has commenced at certain residences on the Cape Town University , creating a feel of what Palestinians have had to undergo when demanded to disperse from their homes.

The Israeli Apartheid Week activities have certainly created awareness , but a lot more needs to be done in aiding the plight of the Palestinians.
"We condone the pleas of the people of Palestine and call upon upon our South African Government to boycott Israeli products, disinvest in Israel and place sanctions on Israel
A screening of the national film tour : Jerusalem: The East Side Story is to take place throughout the week across the country.
For more info and live tweets follow @msa_union and @IAWSouthAfrica #IAW2013
"Every Generation needs a revolution"
Fathima Gori

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