Monday, December 11, 2017


As-salaam u Alaikum

"And it will be said to those who feared Allah, "What did your Lord send down?" They will say, "[That which is] good." For those who do good in this world is good; and the home of the Hereafter is better. And how excellent is the home of the righteous"

[Quran 16:30]

After a two month long handover process, the newly elected leadership of the MSA Union would like to extend a warm welcome to all our affiliates, partners, alumni, friends and the broader community. It is with great enthusiasm and commitment that we begin this term in office to serve and support every MSA chapter.

We would like to thank the outgoing committee for their support and commitment shown during their term in office. May Allah swt reward them for all their efforts. They continue to be an integral pillar in the process of building a better, stronger and purposeful national body.

The dynamics of each campus chapter may differ but ultimately each one has a specific role and responsibility to carry out. Chapters are the core of the unions interest and we endeavour to strengthen our relationship with the ground in whichever capacity that we can. There are many challenges that we face as a collective but by working together we can definitely find solutions in combating the issues faced at all levels.
We look forward to working with you in championing positive change across the country for the benefit of society at large.


President - Kaamil Alli
Deputy President - Aisha Hamdulay
Treasurer- Muzzamil Jable
Secretary General - Irfaan Mangera
Deputy Secretary General - Mishkah Abdool Sattar
Head of Tarbiyyah and Training- Jameelah Rayned
Head of Politics; SA and International Relations
Head of Campus Affairs and Emerging Markets - Shakeel Garda
Head of Social Media - Ayesha Moola
Head of Media and Marketing- Tashreeq Lasker
Head of Community Outreach and Social Development - Thameez Ahmad Bodhanya

Union of Muslim Students' Associations of South Africa
Twitter: @MSA_Union | Facebook: MSA Union | Instagram: msa_union | Email: | Blog: | Website:



(May the peace and blessings of Allah SWT be upon you)


The National Union of Muslim Students is disgusted but unsurprised at the actions of the President of the United States of America. Donald Trump is an islamophobe and racist. He has no concern for creating peace and promoting justice. He and his puppets in the Middle East continue to deny Palestinians their right to self-determination, free from oppression and occupation carried out by the Israelis.

Trumps unilateral decision proves that the US is acting in favour of the Zionist regime. Israel does not support peace and continues to further their settler colonial project. They have no intention to find a just resolution; we therefore call on our government and all progressive civil society organisations to isolate the illegal Zionist state through boycott, divestments and sanctions.

The MSA Union further calls on the ANC government to cease all diplomatic relations with Israel. The Palestinian people deserve our unequivocal support.
We endorse the Palestinian Solidarity Alliance statement below.

We further call on all our members to participate and voice themselves on all platforms, particularly the pickets and protests being planned by solidarity organisations.

Two of which are:
1.      Protest March: 13 December 2017, 11am, Kaizergracht to Parliament. Contact; 079 494 5786
2.      Picket: 14 December 2017, 11am to 4pm, US Consulate, 1 Sandton Dr, Sandhurst, Johannesburg. Contact; 072 910 8483

The struggle continues from Azania to Palestine.

Kaamil Alli
National Executive Committee

Irfaan Mangera
Secretary General
National Executive Committee

Union of Muslim Students' Associations of South Africa
Twitter: @MSA_Union | Facebook: MSA Union | Instagram: msa_union | Email: | Blog: | Website: